Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts A&B

List Price?: $299.00
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Product Description
Advanced Dairy Chemistry-1. Proteins addresses the most commercially important constituents of milk in terms of their roles in nutrition and as functional components in foods. This third edition, which is the work of dairy scientists and other experts from around the world, provides detailed scientific information on all aspects of milk proteins. An extensively revised Table of Contents includes more chapter-level headings to make the material more accessible and highlights a number of key topics, such as methods for resolving and identifying proteins, biologically and physiologically active proteins, molecular genetics and functional milk proteinsall of which have assumed increased importance in recent years. All chapters from the second edition have been completely updated and coverage of the biological properties and stability of milk proteins has been enhanced greatly. The book has been expanded from 18 chapters in the second edition to 29 chapters and is divided into two parts: Part A (Chapters 1-11) describes the more basic aspects of milk proteins, while Part B (Chapters 12-29) reviews the more applied aspects. New topics include an overview of the milk protein system, allergenicity of milk proteins, bioactive peptides, genetic engineering of milk proteins, and certain additional chapters on protein-rich dairy products. This authoritative work summarizes current knowledge on milk proteins and suggests areas for future work.

Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1: Proteins,Parts A&B: Patrick F ... "In all, the 2 volumes of Advanced Dairy Chemistry 1 - Proteins contain a total of 29 chapters written by leading academics in the field of dairy protein chemistry ... Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1 - 3rd edition edited by P. F ... Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1 - Proteins Third Edition edited by P.F. Fox ... Part B. Nutritional Aspects of Milk Proteins Allergenicity of Milk Proteins Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts A&B "In all, the 2 volumes of Advanced Dairy Chemistry 1 - Proteins contain a total of 29 chapters written by leading academics in the field of dairy protein chemistry ... Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts A&B Not available Milk Background Milk is a nutritive beverage obtained from various animals and consumed by humans. Most milk is obtained from dairy cows, although milk from goats ... Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts A&b by Patrick ... Alibris has Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts A&b and other books by Patrick F Fox (Editor), Paul McSweeney (Editor), including new & used copies ... Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts A&B ... Advanced Dairy Chemistry-1. Proteins addresses the most commercially important constituents of milk in terms of their roles in nutrition and as functional components ... Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts A&B: Springer ... AbeBooks.com: Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts A&B: 0306472716 Used, in good condition. Book only. May have interior marginalia or previous owner's ... Advanced Dairy Chemistry Volume 1 Proteins Parts AB, Unknown ... Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts A&B by Unknown Author. (Hardcover 9780306472718) 9780306472718: Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Protein - AbeBooks ... Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts A&b (ISBN: 0306472716 / 0-306-47271-6) Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1 (Open Library) Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1 Proteins, Parts A&B 3rd ed. edition Published February 2003 by Springer.

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