Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

Eating in the Dark: America's Experiment with Genetically Engineered Food

List Price?: $25.00
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Amazon.com Review
Genetically modified food is in the news and on our plates. And while consumers may not have known they were being used as lab rats, America's uncontrolled experiment with such "inventions" as StarLink corn, with its built-in insecticide, is already well under way. In Eating in the Dark, environmental journalist Kathleen Hart examines the battles being fought in boardrooms, grocery stores, and government agencies over the creation, distribution, and regulation of genetically engineered organisms. The truth is quite disturbing. Companies like Monsanto began releasing modified seeds to farmers in the 1990s, but consumers weren't informed. From baby formula made from engineered soybeans to taco shells that cause dangerous allergy attacks, the stories here are well-researched and frightening. Hart accuses the U.S. Food and Drug Administration of aiding and abetting what she calls a public health "nightmare," and she calls for both intense research and strong legislation as a way of getting the experiment under control. --Therese Littleton

Eating In the Dark: America's Experiment With Genetically ... 'Eating in the Dark: America's Experiment With Genetically Engineered Food' by Kathleen Hart Reviewed by Nicols Fox Sunday, June 16, 2002; Page BW09 Eating in the Dark by Kathleen Hart - Book - eBook - Random House ... rest of the world?Eating in the Dark tells the story of how these new foods quietly entered Americas ... America's Experiment with Genetically Engineered Food Written by ... Eating in the Dark: America's Experiment with Genetically ... Most Americans eat genetically modified food on a daily basis, but few of us are aware were eating something that has been altered. Meanwhile, consumers abroad ... Eating in the Dark: America's Experiment with Genetically ... Eating in the Dark: America's Experiment with Genetically Engineered Food by; Kathleen Hart Eating in the Dark: America's Experiment with Genetically ... Eating in the Dark has 30 ratings and 5 reviews. Wendy said: This books is narrowed down to Americans eating genetically modified food. It tells use how ... Book: Eating in the Dark America's Experiment with Genetically ... Eating in the Dark Americas Experiment with Genetically Engineered Food Overview From the publisher. Most Americans eat genetically modified food on a daily basis ... Eating In The Dark: America's Experiment With Genetically ... Eating In The Dark: America's Experiment With Genetically Engineered Food, An in-depth authoritative and unbiased account of the battle being conducted over ... Eating in the Dark: America's Experiment with Genetically ... Genetically modified food is in the news and on our plates. And while consumers may not have known they were being used as lab rats, America's uncontrolled experiment ... Eating in the Dark: America's Experiment with Genetically ... Most Americans eat genetically modified food on a daily basis. Yet many of us are barely aware that were eating something that has been altered; food labels do not ... Eating in the Dark; America's Experiment with Genetically ... Eating in the Dark; America's Experiment with Genetically Engineered Food - Read book online. Most Americans eat genetically modified food on a daily basis, but few ...

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