Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

The Vegetarian Imperative

List Price?: $24.95
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Product Description

We have learned not to take food seriously: we eat as much as we want of what we want when we want it, and we seldom think about the health and environmental consequences of our choices. But the fact is that every choice we make has an impact on our health and on the environment. In The Vegetarian Imperative, Anand M. Saxena, a scientist and a vegetarian for most of his life, explains why we need to make better choices: for better health, to eliminate world hunger, and, ultimately, to save the planet.

Our insatiable appetite for animal-based foods contributes directly to high rates of chronic diseasesresulting in both illness and death. It also leads to a devastating overuse of natural resources that dangerously depletes the food available for human consumption. The burgeoning population and increasing preference for meat in all parts of the world are stretching planetary resources beyond their limits, and the huge livestock industry is degrading the agricultural land and polluting air and water.

Continuing at this pace will bring us to the crisis point in just a few decadesa reality that threatens not only our current lifestyle but our very survival. This book shows us a way out of this dangerous and vicious cycle, recommending a much-needed shift to a diet of properly chosen plant-based foods.

Any one of these arguments alonepersonal health, worldwide hunger, and environmental degradationprovides reason enough to stop consuming so much animal-based food; taken together, they make an unassailable case for vegetarianism. The Vegetarian Imperative will make you rethink what you eatand help you save the planet.

Farmeducation.org - The Vegetarian imperative Why the spiritual connection. Eight tenants of sustainable development. What are the Vedas? Vedic Ecology; The importance of Cows; The Vegetarian imperative The Vegetarian Imperative Pledge Vegan - Become a vegan, vegan ... We have learned not to take food seriously: we eat as much as we want of what we want when we want it, and we seldom think about the health and environmental ... The Vegetarian Imperative: Anand M. Saxena: Amazon.com: Kindle Store A timely and crucial discussion of the human food supply. People interested in the environment know that a vegetarian diet requires about one-third less fossil energy ... Abhijeet Saxena Facebook The Vegetarian Imperative ... "I'm sexy and I know it. No, your slutty and you blow it. The Vegetarian Imperative Facebook The Vegetarian Imperative. 139 likes 0 talking about this. The Vegetarian Imperative - Anand M. Saxena - Google Books We have learned not to take food seriously: we eat as much as we want of what we want when we want it, and we seldom think about the health and environmental ... The Vegetarian Imperative: Anand M. Saxena: 9781421402420: Amazon ... A timely and crucial discussion of the human food supply. People interested in the environment know that a vegetarian diet requires about one-third less fossil energy ... The Internet Review of Books: The Vegetarian Imperative An Intelligent Guide for Intelligent People: reviewing recent books in the fields of science, social science, history, art, music, current affairs, and ... The vegetarian imperative : Saxena, Anand M. : Book, Regular Print ... Publication information: Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011. ISBN: 1421402424 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9781421402420 (hbk. : alk. paper) The Vegetarian Imperative, (1421402424), Anand M. Saxena ... We have learned not to take food seriously: we eat as much as we want of what we want when we want it, and we seldom think about the health and environmental ...

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