Jumat, 16 November 2012

Dinner at the New Gene Cafe: How Genetic Engineering Is Changing What We Eat, How We Live, and the Global Politics of Food

  • ISBN13: 9780312302634
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

List Price?: $19.99
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Product DescriptionTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Amazon.com Review
It may be true that we are what we eat. Now, with a flood of genetically modified foods overtaking the market, it is possible to eat what we are. But the prospect of genetic cannibalism is the least of the worries of food activists, and journalist Bill Lambrecht's Dinner at the New Gene Caf follows both sides of the genetically modified organism (GMO) debate with vigor. He's been covering the story since the mid-1980s, interviewing agricultural officials, biotech industry executives, family farmers, and protesters to build a comprehensive understanding of the issues.

Lambrecht's writing, clear and direct, explains the science and politics plainly enough that even those who flunked Biology or Poli Sci 101 can understand his arguments. He is equally skeptical of the claims of industry shills and activists, and often shakes his head in wonder at the incompetence of government agencies. From academic conferences to the Battle for Seattle, he's seen every aspect of the GMO wars, as they ignited in Europe and slowly spread across the world and eventually penetrated the U.S. Peppered with short essays on his own illegal home experiments with GMO seeds, Dinner at the New Gene Caf offers readers insight into a growing question that will most likely define our menu choices for many years to come. --Rob Lightner

Labeling GMO food. - NewsFeed Researcher - food, foods, gmo ... In the new film Genetic ... the food. He says genetic engineering is an issue of justice. "So this is what we ... food writer and advocate for changing the way we eat is ... BARNES & NOBLE Dinner at the New Gene Cafe: How Genetic ... Dinner at the New Gene Cafe: How Genetic Engineering Is Changing What We Eat, How We Live, and the Global Politics of Food by; Bill Lambrecht Dinner at the New Gene Caf: How Genetic Engineering Is Changing ... Dinner at the New Gene Caf: How Genetic Engineering Is Changing What We Eat, How We Live, and the Global Politics of Food Human Engineering: Should We Change Our Bodies To Battle A Warmer ... What will we do if in the future, global ... program at New York University, thinks that instead of changing the planet, we ... examples-of-genetic-engineering ... Dinner at the New Gene Cafe: How Genetic Engineering Is Changing ... Dinner at the New Gene Cafe: How Genetic Engineering Is Changing What We Eat, How We Live, and the Global Politics of Food by Bill Lambrecht Dinner at the New Gene Cafe : How Genetic Engineering Is Changing ... Buy Dinner at the New Gene Cafe : How Genetic Engineering Is Changing What We Eat, How We Live, and the Global Politics of Food by Bill Lambrecht. ISBN10: 0312302630 ... Dinner at the New Gene Cafe: How Genetic Engineering Is Changing ... It may be true that we are what we eat. Now, with a flood of genetically modified foods overtaking the market, it is possible to eat what we are. But the prospect of ... Dinner at the New Gene Cafe: How Genetic Engineering Is Changing ... Dinner at the New Gene Cafe: How Genetic Engineering Is Changing What We Eat,How We Live,and the Global Politics of Food [-N/A-] on Amazon.com. *FREE* super saver ... Dinner at the New Gene Cafe: How Genetic Engineering is Changing ... Alibris has Dinner at the New Gene Cafe: How Genetic Engineering is Changing What We Eat, How We Live, and the Global Politics of Food and other books by Bill ... Dinner at the New Gene Cafe : How Genetic Engineering Is Changing ... by Bill Lambrecht, reviewed & recommended. ... Dinner at the New Gene Cafe: How Genetic Engineering Is Changing What We Eat, How We Live, and the Global Politics of Food

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