Selasa, 27 November 2012

The End of Food

List Price?: $14.95
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Product Description
Salmonella-tainted tomatoes, riots, and skyrocketing prices are only the latest in a series of food-related crises that have illuminated the failures of the modern food system. In The End of Food, Paul Roberts investigates this system and presents a startling truthhow we make, market, and transport our food is no longer compatible with the billions of consumers the system was built to serve.

The emergence of large-scale and efficient food production forever changed our relationship with food and ultimately left a vulnerable and paradoxical system in place. High-volume factory systems create new risks for food-borne illness; high-yield crops generate grain, produce, and meat of declining nutritional quality; and while nearly a billion people are overweight, roughly as many people are starving.

In this vivid narrative, Roberts presents clear, stark visions of the future and helps us prepare to make the necessary decisions to survive the demise of food production as we know it.

The End of Food by Paul Roberts - Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs ... The End of Food has 590 ratings and 128 reviews. Books Ring a Ling My Ding a Ling said: Eating. A simple pleasure we take for granted. Well, not anymore... BARNES & NOBLE The End of Food by Paul Roberts, Houghton Mifflin ... Overview. Salmonella-tainted tomatoes, riots, and skyrocketing prices are only the latest in a series of food-related crises that have illuminated the failures of the ... The End of Food: Paul Roberts: 9780618606238: Books This potentially interesting investigation into the challenges of global food production and distribution is marred by the burial of its argument at the end of the ... The End of Food: Paul Roberts: Books This potentially interesting investigation into the challenges of global food production and distribution is marred by the burial of its argument at the end of the ... About The Book - The End of Food The End of Food In this carefully researched, vividly recounted narrative, Roberts lays out the stark economic realities beneath modern food ... The End of Food: A Book Review - Yahoo! Voices - A review of Thomas F. Pawlick's book, "The End of Food: How the Food Industry is Destroying Our Food Supply -- And What You Can Do About It" (2006, GreyStone Books) The End of Food by Paul Roberts - Powell's Books Paul Roberts, best-selling author of The End of Oil, turns his attention to the modern food economy and finds that the system entrusted to meet our most basic needs ... The Last Bite : The New Yorker ABSTRACT: A CRITIC AT LARGE about The End of Food (Houghton Mifflin; $26) by Paul Roberts. Writer discusses Thomas Malthuss prediction that human populations ... The End of Food Paul Roberts, best-selling author of The End of Oil, turns his attention to the modern food economy and finds that the system ... Paul Roberts: The End of Food - YouTube For more Stories & Food News: Paul Roberts, veteran print journalist, and author of The End of Food, and The End of Oil, speaks ...

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