Sabtu, 10 November 2012

The Atlas of World Hunger

List Price?: $45.00
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Earlier this year, President Obama declared one of his top priorities to be making sure that people are able to get enough to eat. The United States spends about five billion dollars on food aid and related programs each year, but still, both domestically and internationally, millions of people are hungry. In 2006, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations counted 850 million hungry people worldwide, but as food prices soared, an additional 100 million or more who were vulnerable succumbed to food insecurity.

If hunger were simply a matter of food production, no one would go without. There is more than enough food produced annually to provide every living person with a healthy diet, yet so many suffer from food shortages, unsafe water, and malnutrition every year. Thats because hunger is a complex political, economic, and ecological phenomenon. The interplay of these forces produces a geography of hunger that Thomas J. Bassett and Alex Winter-Nelson illuminate in this empowering book. The Atlas of World Hunger uses a conceptual framework informed by geography and agricultural economics to present a hunger index that combines food availability, household access, and nutritional outcomes into a single toolone that delivers a fuller understanding of the scope of global hunger, its underlying mechanisms, and the ways in which the goals for ending hunger can be achieved. The first depiction of the geography of hunger worldwide, the Atlas will be an important resource for teachers, students, and anyone else interested in understanding the geography and causes of hunger. This knowledge, the authors argue, is a critical first step toward eliminating unnecessary suffering in a world of plenty.

Hunger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hunger is the physical sensation of desiring food. It is common for even the highly privileged to often experience mild hunger; brief experiences of the condition are ... Atlas of World Hunger Welcome Atlas of World Hunger Website ... This website is conceived as an extension of The Atlas of World Hunger. It will provide updates to maps based on the most recent ... World Atlas including Geography Facts, Maps, Flags - World Atlas is an educational resource for world maps, atlases, and in-depth geography information. Teachers and students: free maps of Europe, USA, Canada, Florida ... The Atlas of World Hunger, Bassett, Winter-Nelson The book The Atlas of World Hunger, Thomas J. Bassett and Alex Winter-Nelson is published by University of Chicago Press. The Atlas of World Hunger - YouTube The Atlas of World Hunger challenges common assumptions about the causes of hunger, and comes up with a new method for assessing hunger around the world. 2012 World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics by World Hunger ... 2012 World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics. World Hunger Education Service (Also see World Child Hunger Facts) This fact sheet is divided into the following ... The Atlas of World Hunger - 2fishygirl on Scribd Scribd The Atlas of World Hunger - Read book online. ... The Atlas of World Hunger The Atlas of World Hunger Thomas J. Bassett and Alex Winter-Nelson Mapping World Hunger 2003 Articles LASNews Magazine ... Student Life Mapping World Hunger. Students create unique atlas that documents world hunger. Few college students can crow that their ... Atlas of World Hunger Looks At Old Problem World hunger is often seen as the result of overpopulation, bad geography or natural or human-made disasters. A new book, The Atlas of World Hunger, reveals that the ... The Atlas of World Hunger Contents Institutions and Power Relations 107 21. Colonialism and Neocolonialism 109 22. Debt and International Power Relations 112 23. Political Freedoms 115

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